JUMP vs PREMIER - Compare

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Wondering what the difference is between the JUMP and the Premier trampoline?

We have been selling and designing trampolines for many many years and we see the need to provide reliable trampolines at varied prices.  Nobody wants to buy a trampoline that is low in price and also low in quality.

We have made our Jump trampoline with reliable and strong materials but a lower grade pad and metal thickness to our Premier Trampoline range. Make no mistake, our Jump trampoline is not cheap and nasty! Our Jump trampoline is sure to please.


JUMP Trampoline

  PREMIER Trampoline

1. Whats included?

- Safety net

- Spring pad cover

- No ladder


 1. Whats included?

- Safety net

- Spring pad cover

- Ladder included

2. Trampoline frame thickness

- 1.4 mm

- Frame has welded T pieces


2. Trampoline frame thickness

- 2.0 mm

- Frame held together with metal T pieces, no welds in the frame

3. Spring Pad Cover Thickness

- 14 mm


3. Spring Pad Cover Thickness

- 24 mm

4. Safety Netting - Sleeve material

-  PE sleeve


 4. Safety Netting - Sleeve material

- PVC sleeve

5. Padding and netting colour

- All black with small yellow 'Jump' logo


5. Padding and netting colour

- Plain blue

6. Warranty

- 12 Month frame

- 6 Month spare parts


 6. Warranty

- Lifetime frame

- 18 Month spare parts